Academic Advising & Planning Center

The Academic Advising and Planning Center- AAPC- prepares undergraduate students to navigate all aspects of academic planning by promoting an atmosphere that encourages self-exploration and resource utilization in support of academic success, as well as the timely and informed pursuit of an academic major.

Meet with Academic Advising

Schedule an Appointment

If you are assigned to an academic advisor in the Academic Advising and Planning Center, you can schedule an online appointment with Appointment Manager. 

Quick Question Drop-In Advising (QQDI)

Drop in for quick answers to your advising questions Monday - Friday from 2-4 PM throughout the fall and spring semesters. QQDI is staffed by our Peer Advisors with a professional Advisor available on call.

Advise Me - Mobile advising texting platform

Text "adviseme" to us at 85511 with your advising questions on the fly. The line is most actively monitored between the last day of Drop/Add through Reading Day in the Fall and Spring semesters.

Schedule with Appointment Manager

Advising at the College of Charleston

Newly Admitted, First-Year Students
As a first-year incoming student, your advising and planning experience begins at New Student Orientation. At orientation, you'll meet with an academic advisor and register for your first semester classes. Once you begin classes, you'll need to meet with your advisor at least once a semester.

New Transfer Students
New transfer students meet with an academic advisor at New Student Orientation. If you are an undeclared transfer student, you must attend Mandatory Advising with our office during your first semester.

Transfer students with a declared academic major will be advised by their academic department.

Current Students
As a current student continuing at the College of Charleston, you will continue working with an advisor in the Academic Advising and Planning Center until you declare a major.

Once you officially declare your academic major,  the academic department will assign a faculty advisor to the student. Faculty advisors are positioned to provide information about the majors and minors within that department as well as career options, internships and volunteer opportunities.

Must-Know Info

Information and resources to help keep you on track toward your degree.